Spring Balloon Bouquet | Easter Party Decorations


The Easter bunny is here to celebrate Spring.  This adorable Spring themed party decor with pastel balloons in spring colors are perfect for an Easter brunch decoration.  Add the bunny balloon to add a touch of whimsy to your Easter party decorations.  The The Spring banner is cut from glitter card stock in gorgeous green, orange, yellow, pink, blue and lavender for the perfect spring celebration.   Purchase individual pieces or the full kit, see what's included below.

1 - Large Bunny Rabbit Balloon
6- Pastel Balloons - 11 inches
1 - Spring Letter Banner
String & A Needle


ASSEMBLY REQUIRED - Some assembly is required. Your letters will arrive with string and a needle, your letters have precut holes for stringing. Balloons: Fill with helium or air, please note string is not included.

MEASUREMENT - Each letter measures 6 inches in height, the width of each letter varies depending on the letter. See image 2 to see the size in relation to a quarter.

DETAILS - Handmade in the USA, with plenty of extra string to make it easy to hang.

QUALITY - We use heavy card stock so each letter is sturdy.

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